Everyone’s dream of owning a house will be fulfilled- Chief Minister Eknath Shinde

Thane :- Stating that every common men has a dream of owning a house, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said that this government is going to fulfill everybody’s dream of owning their own home.

He was speaking at the program for selecting the owners of MHADA houses for the year 2023-24 using a computerized system. The program was organized by the Konkan Housing and Area Development Board (KHADB) at the Ram Ganesh Gadkari Rangayatan Natya Guru in Thane. This lottery of selecting the 5 thousand 311 houses for sale was today held here for the Konkan division.

Housing Minister Atul Save, member of legislative council Niranjan Dawkhare, legislator Sanjay Kelkar, former legislator Ravindra Fatak, District Magistrate of Thane District Ashok Shingare, vice -president and chief executive officer (CEO) of MHADA Sanjeev Jaiswal, chief executive officer of Konkan Housing and Area Development Board Maruti More and other dignitaries were present during the program.

Speaking further, Chief Minister Eknath  Shinde said that food, clothing and shelter are the fundamental needs of the time and also the society, adding that the union and the state government are taking all out efforts for providing these basic needs to the common people. He said that the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is implemented for both- the people of urban as well as rural areas. He said that these houses are distributed by selecting the applicants through a lottery system from the very low income group, low income group (LIG), and medium income group (MIG).

Shinde said that the state is getting huge assistance from the union government. He also said that the state government is committed to construct houses for all on a large scale, adding that the distribution of houses to the Mill workers has already started. The Chief Minister said that the state government is constructing houses for many needy families. He said that this government is the government of common people and its functioning is going ahead with transparency. He also said that emphasis is given for providing infrastructural facilities to all.

The chief minister further said that the economy of our nation is progressing and marching ahead and today it stands at the third position in the world. He further said that the overall development can be witnessed in the state as well as the entire nation. Eknath Shinde said that all the houses that are going to be given by the government, should be completed within the stipulated time, adding that those who will complete it within the time bound limit will be awarded whereas, those who will not, will be penalized.

The Chief Minister congratulated the winners for the houses of MHADA for the year 2023- 24 through lottery method. The program started with the state anthem and by lighting the lamp. Officers and employees of MHADA as well as the people who applied for the houses, were present in large numbers on the occasion.

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