elicitation of newly appointed members of Maharashtra Bamboo Development Board

Nagpur :- on 22nd March, 2023 on the occasion of Gudhipadawa the members of Bamboo Society of India, Maharashtra Chapter namely Sunil Joshi, Ashish Kaswa and Vaibhav Kale were felicitated by hands of Dr. Girish Gandhi, President of Vanrai Foundation, Nagpur , for their prestigious appointment on the Maharashtra Bamboo Development board (MBDB) at Dhanavate Sabhagruha, Rahtrabhasha Sankuk, Shankarnagar, Nagpur .

On this occasion the Chief guest Dr. Girish Gandhi, President Vanrai Foundation said bamboo indeed is a good friend of farmer for its uses and sustaining environment. The demand is huge and hope it will be fulfilled soon.

Guest of honor Prof. Uday Gadkari, member of National governing Council of Bamboo society of India, said that the appointment of such eminent personality in bamboo sector will help in govt and professional joining hands to lead proper growth in bamboo sector which help many farmers, artisans and industrialists.

Initially Ajay Patil President BSI Vidarbha gave information about the work being carried out by BSI in Vidarbha region snd future plans to develop bamboo farming, giving opportunities to entrepreneurs to open up bamboo related industries etc

Sunil Joshi in his thanks giving speech mentioned that Bamboo sector has not been developed to its potential and as a member he in bond to duties to fulfil this dream. Also expressed the concern about the vast infrastructures and machinery lying with the board and opening up the govt market. Establishing proper education sector. He and his colleagues will study the current conditions and give proper direction to this sector.

On this occasion, Ashish Kaswa, expressed that Bamboo Sector now needs a strategic planning on the utilisation & Industrialisation of Bamboo. Farmers are interested in Bamboo Plantation and are now looking forward to organised market sector. He also stressed that there is need to do Bamboo Plantation of various species other than Balcooa for more commercial and Industrial applications.

Vaibhav Kale expressed to have full contribution to bamboo sector within their potential. At least 20% construction of govt buildings should be constructed in bamboo. The contribution of these members will help MBDB to take their schemes in bamboo sector to higher level and successful implementation.

New programs like ‘Designing with bamboo’ in architectural and engineering colleges as well as ‘Bamboomitra’ program for training volunteers for guiding farmers for bamboo cultivation will be run soon.

Dr. Vijay Ilorkar From PKV who is nominated on senate of Nagpur university by government of Maharashtra also gave information about his research on 30 bamboo species which are studied for 26 parameters. This research is being conducted at agroforestry CENTER AT a amaravati road. He has proposed introduction of course on bamboo plantations and commertialutilisation in recently held senate meeting of RTMNU Nagpur .That is accepted by the Senate .

Dr. Girish Gandhi also felicitated Meenakshi Walke for bagging the ‘She inspires award-2023 which was presented at House of commons UK Parliament.

Mahesh Mokha and Ravi Nafde , council members of Maharashtra chapter of BSI also graced the occasion.

Finally, the chairman Ajay Patil, of Bamboo Development and promotion committee , Maharashtra chapter of BSI expressed great pleasure on members of society being appointed on the MBDB and for the valuable guidance from Dr. Girish Gandhi

Finally Ashish Nagpurkar, executive director of BDPC , BSI MC gave a vote of thanks and declared the end of successful function.

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एकदिवसीय रोजगार मेळाव्याचे आयोजन

Thu Mar 23 , 2023
नागपूर :- जिल्हा कौशल्य विकास,रोजगार व उद्योजकता मार्गदर्शन केंद्राच्या वतीने 22 मार्चला एक दिवसीय रोजगार मेळाव्याचे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे. पात्रताधारक उमेदवारांनी रोजगार मेळाव्यामध्ये उपस्थित राहून रोजगार मेळाव्याचा जास्तीत- जास्त लाभ घ्यावा, असे आवाहन जिल्हा कौशल्य विकास,रोजगार व उद्योजकता मार्गदर्शन केंद्राचे सहायक आयुक्त, आणि यंग प्रोफेशनल, नॅशनल करीअर सर्व्हीस, नागपूर यांनी केले आहे. या रोजगार मेळाव्याचा लाभ घेण्याकरीता ईच्छूक उमेदवारांनी […]

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