Nagpur :-National Academy of Defence Production (NADP), Nagpur, joined hands with MatruSewa Sangh Panchawati Vruddhashram in a heartwarming display of community spirit, where CSR was combined with volunteering, an unique initiative where we hit two birds with one stone.

During interactions with deserted elderly and Helpage officials, we realized that Elderly individuals in old age homes often have expectations of being integrated into society in meaningful ways. Elderly residents often yearn for more than just material support; they seek meaningful interactions and the feeling of being valued members of society. They seek connection, respect, and recognition from the community, desiring to feel valued and included. Addressing this issue requires a collective effort from society to create opportunities for intergenerational engagement, community participation, and regular social interactions. Thus, they do not need just doles, but quality time with the young people so that they can overcome loneliness, depression and anxiety.

NADP event with the lead role of PGDM (BM) students driving the same made the afternoon lively on 26th July 2024. By donating essential items like food grains, a refrigerator, and an overhead water tank, NADP not only improved the living conditions of the senior citizens but also brought a wave of joy and comfort to their daily lives. It was more than just donations, but fostering connection, bonding the old with the new generations, the critical things that is missing in our society in some pockets.

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मुख्यमंत्री युवा कार्य प्रशिक्षण योजनेंतर्गत सहकारी संस्थांसाठी नोंदणी कार्यशाळा

Wed Jul 31 , 2024
यवतमाळ :- शासनाने मुख्यमंत्री युवा कार्य प्रशिक्षण योजना सुरु केली आहे. योजनेंतर्गत जिल्ह्यातील सहकारी संस्थांच्या आस्थापनांची नोंदणी करण्यासाठी जिल्हा उपनिबंधक, सहकारी संस्था व कौशल्य, रोजगार उद्योजकता व नाविन्यता विभागाच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने दि.२ आँगस्ट रोजी सहकार संकूल सभागृह, यवतमाळ येथे कार्यशाळेचे आयोजन करण्यात आले आहे. योजनेंतर्गत बेरोजगार युवक युवर्तीना शासकीय तसेच खाजगी आस्थापनांमध्ये ६ महिन्यांचे प्रशिक्षण व विद्यावेतन देण्यात येणार आहे. […]

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