Belgian Consul General says cricket originated in Belgium, not England

Mumbai :-The Consul General of Belgium in Mumbai Frank Girkeens has said unlike popular perception that cricket originated in England, the game of cricket actually originated in Belgium. He said Flemish weavers took it to England in the 16th Century. The Consul General was speaking to Maharashtra Governor Ramesh Bais at Raj Bhavan Mumbai on Mon (5 June).

Girkeens said even though cricket originated in Belgium and the word ‘cricket’ itself has an old French origin, the game is today more popular in India where it enjoys the status of a ‘religion’.

Mentioning that Mumbai and Antwerp are diamond hubs, he said the two countries can increase their volume of trade significantly from the present level of 15.1 billion euros by enhancing their relations.

Welcoming the Consul General to Maharashtra, Governor Ramesh Bais called for enhancing cooperation between the universities in Maharashtra and Belgium.

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नवीन वाळू विक्री धोरण: भंडारा डेपोमधून 10 हजार 165 ब्रास वाळुची विक्री  

Tue Jun 6 , 2023
Ø राज्यात ऑनलाईन वाळू विक्रीला चांगला प्रतिसाद Ø सर्वाधिक वाळू साठा भंडारा जिल्ह्यात नागपूर :- राज्यातील नागरिकांना बांधकाम योग्य वाळू स्वस्त दरात उपलब्ध करुन देण्यासोबतच अनधिकृत उत्खननास आळा घालण्याच्या दृष्टीने नवीन वाळू धोरण राज्यात राबविण्यात येत आहे. भंडारा जिल्ह्यात सर्वाधिक १६ हजार ४७३ ब्रास वाळू उपलब्ध करुन देण्यात आली असून त्यापैकी १० हजार १६५ ब्रास वाळुची विक्री झाली आहे. वर्धा, […]

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