Nagpur :- The G-20 Summit, one of its own kind international event being hosted at New Delhi, will open various better avenues for Indian trade and traders across the Country will anxiously await the decisions that will be taken at the Summit-said  Praveen Khandelwal, Secretary General of the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT). We expect some strategic decisions on financial inclusion and adoption, acceptance of digital technology and reforms in taxation policies which will have vital bearing on growth of SMEs trade not only in India but across the globe, he further said.

Khandelwal informed that to study and understand the various outcome of G-20 Summit during and after the event and to percolate them down the line among trading community of India, the CAIT has constituted a Committee under its National President B.C. Bhartia. Other members of the committee are  Brijmohan Agarwal, Odisha, Subhash Agarwal, Kolkata, Amar Parwani, Raipur, Pankaj Arora, Kanpur, Shankar Thakkar, Mumbai, Dhairyshil Patil, Maharashtra,  Sumit Agarwal, Delhi, Prakash Baid, Assam and S.S. Manoj, Kerala.

Both Bhartia and Khandelwal said that as a result of G20 deliberations, the traders expect a big boost in export trade pertaining to FMCG products, Computers and its peripherals, Communication equipment, Toys, Consumer durables, Indian Handicrafts, hospitality service sector and its equipment, Gem & Jewelery , furnishing items, electronic items etc.

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वेकोलि को मिला ‘स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा अवार्ड’

Fri Sep 8 , 2023
नागपूर :- स्वच्छता को बढ़ावा देने हेतु वेकोलि निरंतर प्रयत्नशील रहता है। इस दिशा में वेकोलि द्वारा कई सफल गतिविधियाँ क्रियान्वित की गई है, जिनके परिणाम उत्साहजनक है। इन कारगर प्रयासों का संज्ञान लेते हुए, कोयला मंत्रालय ने वर्ष 2023 के लिए वेकोलि को ‘स्वच्छता पखवाड़ा अवार्ड’ से सम्मानित किया। दिनांक 06.09.2023 को कोयला मंत्रालय, नई दिल्ली में आयोजित एक […]

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