Projects in Eastern and Western Suburbs under the Mumbai Beautification Project Bhumi Pujan by Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister

Resolved to Transform the Whole of Mumbai  – Chief Minister Eknath Shinde

Mumbai: Along with the Mumbai Beautification Project, various twelve hundred projects will be undertaken. Mumbai is a dream city, Mumbai should be clean and beautiful. Mumbai is a city of international class. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde asserted here today that the government has resolved to transform the entire Mumbai.

Chief Minister Eknath Shinde was speaking on this occasion of Bhoomi pujan of Eastern and Western Suburbs Projects under Mumbai Beautification project at Shahaji Raje Sports Complex, Andheri. Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, Minister of Tourism and Women and Child Development and Guardian Minister of Mumbai Suburbs Mangalprabhat Lodha, Minister of School Education and Guardian Minister of Mumbai City Deepak Kesarkar, MP Gajanan Kirtikar, MLA Adv. Ashish Shelar, MLA Amit Satam, MLA Dr. Bharti Lovhekar, Former Minister Anandrao Adsul, Commissioner and Administrator of Mumbai Municipal Corporation Dr. Iqbal Singh Chahal and other dignitaries were present on the occasion. On this occasion, dignitaries unveiled the digital foundation stone of Mumbai’s Transformation Project.

Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said that after the beautification works in Mumbai, it will be the responsibility of Mumbaikars to keep Mumbai beautiful. The government is going to undertake the redevelopment project in Mumbai to make a developmental change in Mumbai. Efforts are being made to resolve many issues related to Mumbai. For this purpose, the central government has accepted a proposal of 15 thousand crore rupees. ‘Late. Balasaheb Thackeray Apla Davakhana’ will benefit the common citizens. The government has resolved to create good quality roads in Mumbai, to create employment for the local youth, Chief Minister Shri Shinde said on this occasion. It is a matter of pride that our country has got the honour of hosting the G-20 Summit this year. On this occasion, various meetings will be held in Mumbai and other cities of the state. The Chief Minister also said that we have got an opportunity to brand the image of the state in front of the dignitaries coming from all over the world for these meetings.

Beginning of Social Transformation    – Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis

Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has proposed the concept of transforming Mumbai. Mumbai Municipal Corporation is competent enough. I has been planned to keep Mumbai clean, beautiful and well groomed. Under this, projects like beautifying walls, concreting roads, constructing twenty thousand toilets and keeping them clean round the clock have been undertaken, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said.

Devendra Fadnavis said that double the funds will be provided to construct the planned toilets. Under this programme, designated toilets, community washing machines will also be provided in the slums. Along with this, hanging lighting system will be created. Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said that beginning of social change will be done through transformation of Mumbai.

Commissioner and Administrator of Mumbai Municipal Corporation Dr. Chahal gave the introduction and Additional Commissioner Sanjeev Kumar proposed vote of thanks.

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