NMC on the verge of sealing agreement with M/s Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd (in JV)


Nagpur :- The esteemed Nag River Pollution Abatement Project will finally get its Project Management Consultant. The much awaited concurrence of National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD) has been received by NMC on 3rd September 2024. A tripartite agreement between Nagpur Municipal Corporation , NRCD and M/s Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd along with its joint venture partners viz M/s NJS Engineers India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, M/s CTI Engineering International Co. Ltd , Japan and M/s EPTISA servicios de Ingenrieria, Bengaluru would be signed shortly.

The RFP (Request for Proposal) was issued to the 4 shortlisted consultants in the month of January 2024. Only 2 agencies participated. After technical evaluation the same was submitted to NRCD in the month of March 2024. After approval to technical evaluation was received in the month of April 2024, NMC went forward with financial evaluation.

While M/s Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd (with JV) had quoted Rs 87.12 Cr (excluding GST). M/s SMEC International Pty Ltd (in JV) had quoted Rs. 104.42 Cr. M/s Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd (in JV) were called for negotiation and the final offer submitted by them is Rs. 68.56 Cr. The same has been accepted by NRCD also. Accordingly letter of acceptance has been issued to M/s s Tata Consulting Engineers Ltd (in JV) by NMC. The successful bidder along with its associates are expected to come to Nagpur for signing of the agreement.

The job of the PMC is to carry of detailed survey, design of sewerage network in Northern and Central zones of the city prior to calling of tender. The consultant would be responsible to check if the proposed works are in sync with works being carried out under AMRUT 2.0 in the southern zone.

Contact us for news or articles - dineshdamahe86@gmail.com


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कापूस आणि तूर पिकांवरील किडी व रोग व्यवस्थापनासाठी कृषी विभागाचा शेतकऱ्यांना सल्ला

Fri Sep 13 , 2024
नागपूर :- राज्यात अनेक ठिकाणी अतिवृष्टी आणि मुसळधार पावसामुळे कपासी पिकावर आकस्मिक मर (पॅरा वील्ट) रोग दिसून येत आहे. तूर पिकावरील खोड माशी, सोयाबीनवरील स्पोडोप्टेरा अळी, मका पिकावरील अमेरिकन लष्करी अळी आदींच्या व्यवस्थापनासाठी कृषी विभागातर्फे सल्ला देण्यात आला आहे. मोठ्या पावसामुळे जमीनीत आद्रता निर्माण झाल्याने आणि साचलेल्या पाण्यामुळे आकस्मिक मर विकृतीचा प्रादुर्भाव कापूस पिकावर दिसून येते यामुळे झाडातील तेजपणा नाहीसा […]

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