Maha Metro Gets Second Best Exhibitor Award at 15th UMI

NAGPUR :- Maha Metro has been awarded second prize in the `Best Exhibitor’ category in the 15th Urban Mobility India (UMI) National Conference at Kochi, Kerala. The award was given to the Maha Metro stall, put up by the Organization at Kochi. The award was declared today – the last of the 3-day national conference.

The theme of the stall was Make in India and accordingly various related issues like information about Make in India Aluminium Body coaches, was on display there. This apart, Maha Metro has depicted its various achievements from Nagpur and Pune at the venue, including those related to Property Development (PD), Financial Sustainability, rainwater harvesting.

Other aspects like Public Outreach activities like Metro Samwaad, the MetroNeo Project, various awards bagged by Maha Metro all these years have also been showcased there. The stall got good response and a good number of people paid visit to it. Metro projects from across the country put up their stalls at the venue and jury selects the best of those.

This is not the first occasion and Maha Metro stalls have been selected even before for the Best Exhibitor award at similar conclaves held earlier. Maha Metro was selected for the award for the various subjects chosen for display and the information disseminated at the UMI. The Director (Strategic Planning) Anil Kokate received the award for Maha Metro.


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Mon Nov 7 , 2022
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