Hate Speeches, and Is Shinde Sarkar against Women Officers? 

– Hate speeches, it is a pass!

It has become a very common agenda of intellectuals (whom they think they are) and faded (in minds of public) and jobless journalists to just go ahead on public forms and speak ill about Gods and other religions and not get booked under the law. Creating a stir with an intention of upgrading their package or finding a job with political parties is the agenda behind these people who are irrelevant in today’s world. Believe me, these people are so irrelevant in the corridors of power that they need to make 1000s of phone calls to enter Mantralaya for a visitor pass. With such speeches in front of politicians, it is an attempt to show that they are wanting importance which has just disappeared in their lives. We should understand as common public, media and social media users that such people existed even then also– and such people are so irrelevant in common life, that if they have a problem with their buildings watchmen and want to remove the watchmen from the job, the society committee does not even listen to them, such is their aukat in the building they stay. Forget influencing or instigating individuals or a society. People like these come and go, and with so much experience and so called deep study tell me one thing that people like these have done in their lives which has brought a change or has been beneficial for the society …nothing…I said na they cannot even change their building watchmen. A time will come when poisoning of minds by creating rifts by speaking against Brahmins and Gods will be irrelevant, the same as they are !! Love, care and importance has vanished from such people’s lives as their next generation has left them to live alone, without money and love and hence all these speeches and hatred just to create importance and bring back ‘relevance’ to their lives. Those who are speaking against our Godmen, let me ask them, what was their relation with a so-called political guru who killed himself? What was the agenda to meet them on a regular basis?

IS Shinde Sarkar against Women officers? 

Just read yesterday on a whatsapp forward that after V Radha, Deepa Mudhol Mundhe now it is time for senior IAS officer I A Kundan to get transferred without completing her tenure. Apparently, what I could gather is that, it is the Minister of the department wherein Kundan is heading, Deepak Kesarkar, who is having issues with her functioning and apparently she is not listening to any irrelevant instructions of the Minister, which he wants to do at any cost looking at the elections ahead. I mean this is the height now. Kundan came to this post just 4 months back after she was transferred from Minister Abdul Sattar’s portfolio. I thanked God that Kundan came out of it clean and without any label attached to her, as we all know what a man Sattar is! I want to ask, Is it a farce that this Shinde government is showing to us that it is a women centric/priority government but in actuality something else is happening, at least in bureaucracy. If the women in the government are not heard and are asked to sign on any files or are being pressured by their Ministers, how will it work? No lady officer with integrity will do it, as such are the times. Forget ladki bahin yojna, first keep these ‘bahins’ of the bureaucracy stable and secured. I understand some women officers are just adamant and won’t sign anything, but why are other capable officers who are pro-development shunted out just like that? Just 15 days ago, it happened with Chief Secretary Sujata Saunik and now it is Kundan’s turn. CS Saunik had to undergo tremendous pressure wherein Media just ‘transferred her out’ of CS post. At the end, it was the Prime Minister who had to pat Saunik’s back in their speeches, clearly indicating that if she is transferred, it will surely raise eyebrows in Delhi. In fact, I would suggest the Chief Secretary Sujata Saunik, to form a panel headed by herself and a couple of other senior politicians like Devendra Fadnavis, wherein a detailed report should be made as to why an IAS officer, both male or female, has to be transferred abruptly without completing their tenure. Then the transfer will be justified. Let’s keep it fair and square.

– Vikrant Hemant Joshi

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दूध उत्पादकांकरिता अनुदान योजनेची 30 सप्टेंबर मुदत

Tue Sep 10 , 2024
– राज्य शासनाकडून 540 कोटींची तरतूद नागपूर :- दूध उत्पादक शेतकऱ्यांकरिता येत्या 30 सप्टेंबर पर्यंत अनुदान योजना कार्यरत असून दूध भुकटी निर्यात प्रकल्प, भुकटी उत्पादक दूध प्रकल्प आणि दूध उत्पादक सहकारी संघ व खाजगी दूध प्रकल्पांना प्रोत्साहन अनुदान जाहीर करण्यात आले आहे. यासर्व योजनांचा लाभ घेण्याचे आवाहन प्रादेशिक दुग्धव्यवसाय विकास विभाग अधिकारी एस.एल. नवले यांनी केले आहे. राज्यातील सहकारी दूध […]

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