Maha basket 3×3 state basketball championship.

Nagpur – GH Raisoni Memorial Maha basket 3×3 state basketball championship organised by GH Raisoni Sports and Cultural Foundation in association with Nagpur District Basketball Association (NDBA) under the aegis of Maha Basketball Association will begin on Friday 7th July 2023.

MAHA BASKET 3X3 Vidarbha Tour, Marathwada Tour, Mumbai Khandesh Tour and Western Maharashtra Kokan Tour was conducted in different cities of Nagpur, Aurangabad, Satara and Nasik and first four teams of each zonal Tour qualified for the state Championship.

The MAHA BASKET 3×3 competition is organized as a part of the initiative of the Maha Basketball Association (MBA) and Nagpur District Basketball Association will host the GH Raisoni Memorial Maha basket 3×3 state basketball championship organised by GH Raisoni Sports and Cultural Foundation at Shivaji Nagar Gymkhana ground.

Tournament will be inaugurated with the hands of Shreyash Raisoni on 7th July at 6.00 pm. On the occasion, Aditya Bhandari of the Raisoni Sports and Cultural Academy, Dhananjay Welukar, President Maha Basketball Association, Bhavesh Kuchanwar Secretary NDBA will be present.

64 teams from all accross Maharashtra including 16 teams each in the age group of Under 18 Boys Under 18 Girls, Senior Men and Senior Women will take part in this FIBA endorsed Tour. Accommodation of the players and officials is arranged at the MLA hostel. Total prize money of the tournament is 60 thousand with attractive trophies.

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