DRDO celebrates National Science Day through lectures & open house activities

New Delhi :-Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) celebrated National Science Day 2023 through lectures, orations and open house activities in its laboratories and establishments on February 28, 2023. A special function was organised by Defence Science Forum at DRDO Bhawan in New Delhi. Secretary Department of Defence R&D and Chairman DRDO Dr Samir V Kamat presided over the function. Director, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi Prof Rangan Banerjee was the Chief Guest, with Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri Dr G Satheesh Reddy also in attendance.

The theme of this year’s National Science Day was ‘Global Science for Global Well-being’. The DRDO Chairman greeted the scientific community on the occasion and spoke about the importance of commitment towards science for delivering quality products/technology to the services.

Addressing the gathering, Scientific Advisor to Raksha Mantri stated that scientific research is very essential to develop first-of-its-kind products. He stressed that focus should be on basic science so that newer state-of-art technologies and systems can be developed.

Director, IIT, Delhi delivered a lecture on ‘International Collaborations in Science and Engineering – A View from IIT Delhi’, wherein, he brought out the importance of global collaboration in field of scientific research for finding solutions to the global well-being. He emphasised on the need to identify synergies and create an enabling ecosystem for translation of ideas. He highlighted the successful joint research programme of DRDO and IIT Delhi which has led to the successful research endeavours. He highlighted that DRDO should act as a catalyst and thought leader and facilitator in key strategic areas of research.

A total of 39 oration papers were received from various DRDO labs/establishments, out of which three papers selected for presentation at the event as DRDO Science Day Orations. Shri Hari Singh, Sc ‘F’ from Hyderabad. Shri Laxman Mawani, Sc ‘E’, from Bangaluru and Shri Kumar Vyonkesh Mani, Sc ‘E’ from Delhi delivered the presentations on their respective areas of work in the area of defence research.

Dr Banerjee awarded the orators with a medal and certificate for their presentation. DRDO Science Spectrum, the compilation of all the scientific papers received (for National Science Day 2023), from various DRDO labs/estts was released on the occasion.

National Science Day is celebrated on 28th February every year to commemorate the discovery of ‘Raman Effect’ in 1928 by Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, which led to the Nobel Prize being awarded to him in 1930. The purpose of celebrating this day is to enhance scientific temper, popularisation of science and encouraging innovative activities by infusing scientific temperament in the masses and creating a positive scientific research culture.

Defence Science Forum (DSF) is a platform of DRDO where scientists of various disciplines interact to foster fellowship, exchange of ideas with luminaries of different disciplines and feasibility and planning of all inter-disciplinary projects where expert opinion is required.

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Wed Mar 1 , 2023
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