DigiPravesh App-Based Entry System Introduced at Mantralaya

Mumbai :- The Mantralaya Security Project is being implemented to enhance security and streamline visitor entry. In its first phase, a facial recognition-based entry system was introduced. Now, in Phase 2, a Visitor Management System (VMS) has been developed. From now on, officials, employees, and visitors needing access to Mantralaya must obtain entry through the DigiPravesh online app-based system.

Visitors will be allowed access only to the designated floors and departments as per their approved appointment. Unauthorized access to restricted floors will lead to penalty actions. After completing their work, visitors must exit within the allotted time. To ease the process for senior citizens and differently-abled visitors, they will be given priority access at 12 PM and a separate queue will be arranged post 12 PM. They must carry valid identity proof to avail of this facility.

All general visitors will be allowed entry after 2 PM through the DigiPravesh app-based system. Visitors must present a government-approved ID such as an Aadhaar Card, Driving License, or PAN Card to obtain the Mantralaya entry pass. A help desk and registration counter will be set up at the Garden Gate for those without smartphones or literacy limitations.

Once registered through the DigiPravesh app, a QR code will be generated, which must be scanned at the Mantralaya entry counter. Visitors will then receive an RFID access card for security verification. Wearing the RFID card inside Mantralaya is mandatory, and visitors must return it at the security counter while exiting.

How to Register on DigiPravesh App

The DigiPravesh app is available for Android and iOS users. Visitors can download it for free by searching “Digi Pravesh” on the Google Play Store (for Android) and Apple Store (for iOS).

Registration is required only once. The system verifies the visitors identity using Aadhaar-based facial recognition. After successful verification, visitors can book a slot for their designated department, allowing hassle-free entry without waiting in long queues. The entire process takes less than three minutes.

Contact us for news or articles - dineshdamahe86@gmail.com

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