Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s efforts for conservation of environment, sustainable development and Green Maharashtra taken note at global level

– World Agriculture Forum to felicitate Chief minister Shinde in presence of delegates from 20 countries

Mumbai :-Taking a note internationally of the work done by chief minister Eknath Shinde in the fields of environment conservation, sustainable development and Green Maharashtra, World Agriculture Forum would felicitate Chief Minister Shinde as well as deputy chief ministers Devendra Fadnavis and Ajit Pawar. This felicitation ceremony would be held in the presence of delegates from 20 countries during a program on September 18th 2024 at NCPA. The program is organized to mark International Bamboo Day.

Maharashtra is leader state when it comes to environment and sustainable development

The United Nations has expressed the need for immediate action since era of global warming has become worse with the advent of global heating era and India has become the first country to respond while Maharashtra has become the first state in India to do so. Chief minister Shinde has founded a Chief Minister environment and sustainable development action committee under his own chairmanship. For effective implementation Pasha Patel has been appointed as executive chairman and executive board also has been formed comprising of concerned secretary. Taking a first step, chief minister Shinde has put forward concept of Green Maharashtra for reducing temperature rise and carbon emission. In addition to this, he has given directions for use of 5 per cent of biomass in Thermal power projects and the sate government has taken a decision to go for Bamboo cultivation on 11 Lakh hectares of land for the same. In the recent budget announced by the deputy chief minister and the finance minister Ajit Pawar, a program of Bamboo cultivation on 1.20 lakh hectares has been announced.

For appreciating his efforts, an organization Agriculture Today has recently felicitated chief minister Eknath Shinde at New Delhi. Now, his work has been noted at the global level and World Agriculture Forum has taken initiative to take due note of his work at global level.

World Agriculture Forum, a Global Platform about food security

World Agriculture Forum is a unique platform for global leaders to discuss on food security and Dr Rudy Rabbis is its president. Future policy taking in to account progress in the field of agriculture and taking note of work done at global level, nominations are considered from various countries for the global awards. Globally effective botanical research, agriculture related various aspects and products, trade, technology, business, policy and financial situation, nutrition, food processing, water and environment are considered. Jurie consider nominations and resend them for review so that all the norms are fulfilled after which selection committee recommend nominations.

Phoenix Foundation (Lodga, Disrict Latur) has organized the program on this coming Wednesday at NCPA auditorium to mark International Bamboo Day. Global experts in this field would address the gathering during various seminars and workshops between 11 am and 9pm. The main felicitation program would take place between 6 and 9pm.

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