CAIT welcome restrictions on imports of Computers,Laptop & Tablets

Nagpur :- The Confederation of All India Traders ( CAIT) has hailed the imposition of restrictions on imports of laptop , Computers and tablets. Such a step will boost domestic manufacturing and consumption of these items in furtherance of the Make in India vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

CAIT National President B C Bhartia & Secretary General Praveen Khandelwal while commenting upon this step said that so far foreign goods were capturing the vast Indian market much to the disadvantage of the Consumer and local traders. With this step the quality Indian goods will be in demand and unnecessary flow of Indian currency to other Countries will be stopped.

Bhartia & Khandelwal said that it will stop Refurbrished items from being Imported. Whereas it will further stop Imports of substandard products.However, it shouldn’t effect the MOP of branded goods as the Import duty is nil. It will also discourage Fly by Night Imports which majorly evades GST. Foreign Companies who consider India as a vast market will be compelled to make investments in India for setting up their manufacturing plants in India.

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बाबा ताजुद्दीन के सालाना उर्स को लेकर 6 को बैठक

Sat Aug 5 , 2023
नागपुर :- हजरत बाबा सैयद मोहम्मद ताजुद्दीन (र.अ.) के 101वें सालाना उर्स के नियोजन एवं आवश्यक सुविधाओं को लेकर 6 अगस्त को दोपहर 12.30 बजे केंद्रीय परिवहन मंत्री नितिन गडकरी के वर्धा रोड स्थित निवास पर अहम बैठक का आयोजन किया गया है । हजरत बाबा ताजुद्दीन ट्रस्ट के सचिव ताज अहमद राजा ने यह जानकारी दी है. बैठक में […]

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