Ajni Station Redevelopment Gains Momentum with Significant Progress

Nagpur :- The redevelopment of Ajni Railway Station is progressing at an accelerated pace, with several key infrastructure milestones achieved. This ambitious modernization project aims to transform Ajni into a state-of-the-art railway hub, enhancing passenger amenities, operational efficiency, and overall infrastructure quality.

Key Achievements in Redevelopment Work:

✅ *Type IV Quarters (S+7) – 85% Completed*

Construction of two towers comprising 28 residential quarters has reached framework completion.

Internal and external finishing works, including painting and development, are currently in progress.✅ *East Side Station Building (G+3) – 70% Completed*

Framework completed, with internal and external finishing, including mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and firefighting (MEPF) works, in progress.

✅ *West Side Station Building (G+2) – 30% Completed*

Pile foundation completed, with pile cap excavation, PCC, and casting reaching 85% progress.

✅ *Platform, Foot Overbridges (FOBs), and Concourse Works – 30% Completed*

North FOB: Piling completed, pile cap work at 85% progress.

South FOB: Piling and pile cap work completed.

Concourse: Piling completed, with pile cap progress at 80%.

Central FOB: Piling 87% completed, with pile cap work at 10% progress.

✅ *Structural Column Erection for North & South FOBs – 67% Completed*

32 out of 48 columns erected, with overall physical progress at 42%.

The Ajni Station Redevelopment Project is a vital step toward enhancing passenger convenience and rail infrastructure. With upgraded station buildings, enhanced passenger amenities, and improved accessibility, the project aims to significantly boost railway operations and provide a seamless travel experience.

With major construction works nearing completion, the Ajni Station Redevelopment Project is shaping up to be a landmark initiative under Indian Railways’ modernization efforts. The project is set to enhance connectivity, passenger comfort, and operational efficiency, positioning Ajni as a modern transportation hub.

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Wed Feb 19 , 2025
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