Nagpur :-As we are approaching our end TB deadline of 2025, new strategies are being implemented by NTEP for achieving a step towards TB elimination. Almost 50% patients seek care from private sector and providing free services of NTEP to private sector patients and getting information of patients from private sector is a difficult task. Nagpur corporation has always been progressive about initiating pilot projects for TB elimination with active participation of private sector. Nagpur corporation has always been progressive about initiating pilot projects for TB elimination with active participation of private sector like UATBC, DRTB patients’ food distribution, X-ray outsourcing etc.
Recently NTEP, NMC has approved its first private DRTB centre at Aastha Critical Care. In recent times it was observed that many patients were diagnosed as Drug Resistant in private sector. DRTB treatment is very expensive and many newer drugs like bedaquiline, delaminide, etc are not available in market. Also, as per NTEP & WHO there are new regimens for DRTB patients. It is observed that private patients are not readily willing to seek care from public sector. With the intention of not losing patient, it but providing best of the treatment for DRTB patients’ this private DRTB centre is very crucial.
With experts from private sector like Dr Nainesh Patel (senior pulmonologist), Dr Shinde, from public sector like Dr Radha Munje, Dr Sushant Meshram, Dr Gyanshankar Mishra & other specialties consultants like Pediatrician, ENT Surgeon, Psychiatrist, Ophthalmologist, etc committee is formed which assess the patients’ for deciding best possible regimen for the patients.
Free services provided to DRTB patients at Private DRTB centre at Astha Critical Care, Plot no. 86, Balaji Sabhagruha, Manewada ring road, Suyog Nagar, Nagpur:
Diagnosis: Using public labs (NAAT, LPA, Culture DST, etc)
Hospitalization as required (maximum 7 days)
Pre-treatment evaluation: CBC, RBS, LFT, KFT, ECG (Mfx, Bdq, Cfz or Dlm), Urine examination – R & M, TFT, UPT, Sr. Electrolytes (Na, K, Mg, Ca), Sr. Uric Acid, Ophthalmologist opinion, Psychiatric evaluation)
MDR Drugs
TB Preventive Therapy for Contacts
Follow-up evaluation
Counseling & ADR management guidelines.
This exceptional initiative from NTEP, Nagpur Municipal Corporation is surely making a difference in giving DRTB care in private sector.