RSS pledges to join the whole society to move forward for Samajik Parivartan

– “Samarasata” is not a strategy but an article of faith: Sangh 

– Dattatrey Hosabale re elected as Sar Karyawah  

Nagpur :- Samajik Samarasata (social harmony) is not a strategy but an article of faith. Samajik Parivartan (social transformation) will realize after bringing the Sajjan Shakti (the power of good) together and their collective efforts. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has pledged to join the whole society and move forward towards Samajik Parivartan (social transformation). This was stated by the re elected Sar Karyawah of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Dattatrey Hosabale during the press briefing on the aegis of the Pratinidhi Sabha in Nagpur.

Hosabale emphasised that the active participation of the society has been widely experienced by all due to the historic occasion of Ram Lalla Pran Pratishtha.

It may be mentioned here that Mananiya Dattatrey Hosabale has been re elected as Sar Karyawah at the three day long annual Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha. He has been unanimously re elected as Sar Karyawah for the next three years (2024- 2027).

Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh Sunil Ambekar announced this and also congratulated Hosabale today at the beginning of the press conference at the Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati premises of the Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha.

While replying to a question, Hosabale stated that election is a big festival of democracy. It is essential to strengthen the nation’s democracy, unity and maintain the pace of the progress. Swayamsevaks of the RSS will spread awareness for cent percent polling. The society should be vigilant, that there be no aspects of enmity, separatism, or divisive attempts or anything that goes against unity.

Hosabale said that the work of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is a nationwide nationalist movement. We are one people who belong to one nation. Sangh plans daily shakhas and Saptahik Milan to achieve the objective of Poorn Nagar, Poorn Mandal and Poorn Khand by Vijayadashmai 2025. He also observed that the impact of the RSS work is visible in the society today. There is a sense of being blessed and gratitude for the society’s affinity towards Sangh. He pointed out that the key issues like environment protection and Samajik samarasata (social harmony) were for the entire society and not just for any single organisation. There are still a few incidences of social discrimination and untouchability observed in the society. Their impact is very less among the urban areas. There should not be any discrimination related to lakes, wells, temples and crematoriums in the society.

While replying to another question, Hosabale informed that representatives from victim women had met the President of India demanding stringent punishment for the perpetrators of Sandeshkhali incidents. All Sangh Swayamsevaks and sangh inspired organizations are supporting this, he said.

On the wide usage of the term minority, he emphasized that the Sangh opposes the minoritism in politics. Right from the second Sar Sanghchalak, all the Sar Sanghchalaks had worked towards coordination with the Muslims and Christians.

The recent disturbances in Manipur were painful and made deep marks. RSS is working in both the communities involved, Meities and Kukis. We have tried to normalize the situation by talking to the leaders of both the communities and our efforts have been successful, he said.

Appointment of six Sahasarkaryavah

In the new executive of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Mananiya Sarkaryawah Dattatreya Hosabale has appointed six Sahasarkaryawahs for the term 2024-27. They are

1. Krishna Gopal

2. Mukund

3. Arun Kumar

4. Ramdutt Chakradhar

5. Atul Limaye

6. Alok Kumar

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