Inaugural run for Gati Shakti Express Cargo Parcel Service started by Railways & India Post

Nagpur :-An inaugural run for Gati Shakti Express Cargo Parcel Service, a Joint Parcel Product of Indian Railway & India post is started on 02.02.2023 by Train No. 12290 Duranto Express from Nagpur to Mumbai.

A joint collaboration between Indian Railways & India Post started under the aegis of “Rail Post Gati Shakti” initiative. This service will provide seamless connectivity for the logistic movement of Goods & Parcels. In this service parcels of various kind are booked & delivered by postal department & transported by railway department. Customers will get door step booking & door step delivery.

It will help in providing door to door experience with advanced security. This service will be beneficial especially to e-Commerce companies, pharma companies, readymade cloth factories, manufacturers of engineering goods, motor vehicles parts, consumer products, etc…

Pursuant on the budget announcement of FY 2022-23 and based on directions from railway board towards providing end to end logistic solution to small enterprises by leveraging on the synergetic strengths of the postal Department in the First Mile & Last Mile connectivity and that of Railways in the Middle Mile. The highlights of this service are palletisation and transportation through covered and sealed boxes for handling the material safely. This service also promised for assured supply of space & guaranteed transit time of transportation.

On this occasion P. S. Khairkar, Divisional Railway Manager, Nagpur Division,  Rupesh Chandekar Additional Divisional Railway Manager , Shobha Madhale, PostMaster General, Nagpur Region, Nagpur, Krishnath Patil, Senior Divisional Commercial Manager, Nagpur Division of Central Railway, M. B. Gajbhiye, Director Postal Services, Nagpur Region, Nagpur, were presents.

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पायाभूत सुविधा आणि गुंतवणुकीसाठीच्या विक्रमी तरतुदीचा अर्थसंकल्प

Fri Feb 3 , 2023
अर्थसंकल्पाचे विश्लेषणात अर्थतज्ज्ञ डॉ. तेजिंदारसिंग रावल यांचे मत रोटरी क्लब ऑफ नागपूर एलाईट-लोकगर्जना प्रतिष्ठानचे आयोजन नागपूर : रोजगाराला चालना देण्यासाठी, लघु व सुक्ष उद्योग क्षेत्राला मदत करण्यासाठी, क्रिप्टोकरन्सी कर आकारणी स्पष्ट करण्यासाठी, अधिक समावेशकता सुनिश्चित करण्यासाठी आणि वित्तीय विवेकाची अंमलबजावणी करण्यासाठी उपाययोजना करणे हे या केंद्रीय अर्थसंकल्पातून अपेक्षित होते. ही अपेक्षपूर्ती झाली नसली तरी पायाभूत सुविधा आणि गुंतवणुकीसाठीची तरतूद विक्रमी […]

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