HRD Forum conducted webinar on“Emotional intelligence and its connect with people management”

HRD Forum of Vidarbha Industries Association organised a webinar on “Emotional intelligence and its connect with people management” virtually.

Well known speaker, J B Kabra, Founder of Mind Movers Management Consultants Pvt Ltd, Thane having over seventeen years of experience in all facets of Man-Management, visiting faculty for various Management Institutes and conducted more than 4600 programs for public and private sector companies in the areas of Man-Management skills, Work Ethics & Work Culture, Labour Laws, Situational Leadership, Improving Personal and Professional Effectiveness, etc for workmen, Supervisors & Sr. Management conducted the session.

He started with a famous quote of Aristotle, “Anyone can become angry – That is easy. But to be angry with the right person; to the right degree; at the right time; for the right purpose; and the right way – This is not easy.”

He shared his insights with the participants, who could be able to relate their role of EI in people management, equipped with practical tips to handle problem employees and empathized better with people at all levels which ultimately lead to improved interpersonal skills.

He discriminated EI and EQ, which means ‘Emotional Intelligence’, is the capacity of recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselfs, for managing emotions in ourselfs and our relationships in positive ways to relieve stress and overcome challenges and defuse conflict.  Emotional Quotient is critical to managing our behaviour, moving smoothly through social situations and making critical choices in life.

He also explained physiology of emotions and various types of emotions every human came across in his life viz. anger, sadness, fear, enjoyment, love, surprise, disgust and shame. He also cited practical industry examples on Convention thoughts v/s Modern thoughts, which help everyone to control their emotions by way of acknowledged as strength, essential in business, seeking out emotionally intelligent people, listening for emotion and usage of words to describe emotions encouraged.

More emphasized was given on Positive Emotions rather than Negative Emotions. Positive Emotions gives ability to nurture good relationships, conflict resolution, enthusiasm/zeal/confidence, ability to laugh, be optimism, risk taking, ability to motivate, persistence in face of frustration, impulse control, instant gratification, distress control, empathy, social competencies and leadership.

Kabra also focused on seven Core Skills of EI, which states that awareness of your feelings and the ability to control them; emotional resilience the ability to perform consistently under pressure. Motivation – the drive and energy to achieve results. The ability to take other people’s needs into consideration. Influence – persuasive skills. Decisiveness – Arrive at clear decisions and drive them through.  Conscientiousness – Display commitment to a plan of action and match words and deeds.

He expressed that a good manager is 12% effective management knowledge and 88% ability to deal appropriately with people. A good leader knows his people better than their mothers and cares even more. Emotional Skills helps in identifying and labeling feelings like expressing, assessing the intensity of feelings, Managing, Instant gratification, Controlling impulses, Reducing stress and knowing the difference between feelings and actions.


Cognitive Skills helps to obtain self-talk, reading and interpreting social clues, using steps for problem solving and decision making – controlling impulses, setting goals, identifying alternative action, understanding the perspective of others, a positive attitude to life and self-awareness.

EQ can directly impact the areas at work of recruitment, appraisal, negotiation, teams, successful planning, sales and change initiative. Some areas where EQ can be applied in organizations in Leadership, Team building, Self discipline, Decision-making, Interpersonal skill, Initiative and drive and Subordinate development. He informed about signs of High EQ will freely communicate feelings, avoids blaming, avoids attack, command, criticism, interruption, invalidation and advice; not emotionally dishonest and comfortable in company of people.

The session was followed by a Q&A session, which aptly answered and shared practical examples of organizations by the speaker.


The event was supported by Ankur Seeds, who deals in agri-seeds and partnering with VIA for professional cause.


Earlier, Neelam Bowade, Convener of HRD Forum made opening remarks and introduced the guest speaker. Hemant Lodha, Chairman of VIA HRD Forum welcomed the J B Kabra and in his welcome address said EQ or EI word is defined as ability to perceive, use, understand, manage and handle emotions. People with high intelligence can recognize their own emotion and those of others use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior different feelings and label them appropriately and adjust emotions to adapt to environment. He further said today’s topic EI is very relevant and today’s key takeaways for participants is to get practical tips from expert speaker.


Suresh Pandilwar, Co-Chairman of VIA HRD Forum summed up the session and said more emphasis was given on 3H i.e. heart, head and honest, if anyone / HR manager properly applies 3H in their daily routine, helps him/her to handle any crisis. He also proposed a formal vote of thanks.

Prominently present were Atul Pande, IPP-VIA, Ashit Sinha, Mentor – HRD Forum; industrialists, HR & IR Professionals, Entrepreneurs joined the session in large numbers.

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