Citizens Should Submit Complaints, Applications in Divisional Chief Minister’s Office

Make Functioning of ‘Divisional Chief Minister’s Secretariat’ more Dynamic

Chief Minister Eknath Shinde’s Instructions to the Administration

Mumbai :- People in rural areas should not feel the need to come to the Mantralaya for their work. Their problem should be solved at the local level. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has directed the administration to make the functioning of the ‘Divisional Chief Minister’s Secretariat’ which is functioning at the regional level, more dynamic, so that the common people can experience a people-oriented and transparent administration.

The Chief Minister has appealed to the citizens to submit their complaints, issues and applications to the Divisional Chief Minister’s Secretariat. In the meeting held by the Chief Minister on September 8 in regard of the Good Governance Rules, the working of the Divisional Chief Minister’s Secretariat was discussed. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde instructed the Chief Secretary to make Divisional Chief Minister’s Secretariat more competent so that various issues of citizens are solved and government level works are done at Taluka and District level.

The works of the citizens at the government level, the applications received in this regard, the reports etc. are received at the Chief Minister’s Secretariat in the Mantralaya and sent at the relevant zonal level for action. However, with the aim of bringing more public orientation, transparency, dynamism in order to make the common people suffer less Regional Office (CMO) of the Chief Minister’s Secretariat has already been started in the Divisional Commissioner’s Offices in Konkan, Amravati, Pune, Nashik, Aurangabad and Nagpur.

The Deputy Commissioner of Revenue in the offices of the Divisional Commissioners has been declared as the ex-officio Special Duty Officer of the Divisional Chief Minister’s Secretariat. They are controlling this and accepting applications in the divisional rooms, issuing receipts, taking action on the applications, and sending monthly reports on received applications, action taken applications and pending applications to the Chief Minister’s Secretariat. The chief Minister’s Secretariat in the Mantralaya is controlling the Chief Minister’s Office at the zonal level.

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