Nagpur :- A fifteen days Army Attachment camp for NCC Cadets (Girls) was organised from 13 to 27 Feb 2023 at Brigade of the Guards Regimental Centre, Kamptee under the aegis of HQ UM & G Sub Area. 02 ANOs and 100 Senior Wing (SW) Cadets (Girls) of Group Headquarter, Nagpur have attended the same.

The cadets were exposed to the military routine, equipment and discipline. The aim of the camp was to hone the military knowledge and skills of the cadets and help bolster camaraderie, discipline, national integration, integrity, resilience and resolve among them. Special focus was laid on weapon training, map reading, firing, drill, field craft, battle craft and other military subjects. The camp also witnessed lectures on disaster management, firefighting, regimental way of living, leadership and personality development.

Overall, the attachment camp was very beneficial in building the right character and imbibing self-discipline among the cadets so that they can become able leaders and responsible citizen of the country.

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जीएचआरसीई में वार्षिक टेक फेस्ट अंतराग्नि, टेक्नोरिअन और पराक्रम का आयोजन

Tue Feb 28 , 2023
नागपूर :- जी.एच.रायसोनी कॉलेज ऑफ इंजीनियरिंग में विद्यार्थियों के सर्वांगिन विकास के उद्देश्य से वार्षिक समारोह अंतरागिनी, टेक्नोरिअन और पराक्रम का आयोजन कॉलेज परिसर में 23 से 25 फरवरी तक किया गया. इसके उद्घाटन समारोह में प्रमुख अतिथि के रुप में सीआरपीएफ नागपुर के डीआईजी पी.आर. जांभोलकर, रायसोनी ग्रुप ऑफ़ इंस्टीटूशन के कार्यकारी निदेशक श्रेयस रायसोनी, जीएचआरसीई के निदेशक डॉ. […]

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