Neco Industries Ltd, Nagpur has been awarded

Nagpur – With great pleasure, we would like to announce that Dhobitola Iron Ore Mine, Distt. Gondiya in the State of Maharashtra of M/s Jayaswal Neco Industries Ltd, Nagpur has been awarded prestigiousFive Star Rating Award in the 5thNational Conclave onMines & Mineralsheld at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi on 23rd Nov. 2021 from Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Mines Government of India, for two consecutive years 2018-19 and 2019-20.Our Joint Managing Director, Shri Ramesh Jayaswal was felicitated by Shri Pralhad Joshi, Hon’ble Union Minister of Mines Govt. of India on Tuesday at Delhi.

This award is for exemplary performance of our Dhobitola Iron Ore Minefrom amongst 1021 mines and 1029 mines respectively all over India in implementation of Sustainable Development Frameworkduring the years 2018-19 and 2019-20

The mines are rated from one star to 5 star on the criteria of carrying out scientific and systematic mining; Progress on Progressive and Final mine closure; addressing of resettlement and rehabilitation issues, local community engagements and welfare programmes; implementation of green energy source, cleanliness drive and mining software; and reporting processes as per international standards.

The Company congratulates entire mining team and Neco family for this successful achievement. We also thankful to Indian Bureau of Mines,Ministry of Mines for their valuable guidance and support.

Dinesh damahe


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Fri Nov 26 , 2021
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