Chamber of Associations of Maharashtra Industry & Trade (CAMIT) has represented Government to ensure safety and security of traders and compensation in cases of rioting.
Dipen Agrawal, President – CAMIT said that traders are backbone of every economy. They are the second largest employment generator;they extent gratuitous services of tax collectors to government
And least is done for their safety and security by government agencies. Shops and establishments traders have become soft target for demonstrators of any kind. Whetherthe bandh is called by opposition or ruling party, labour unions, protest of any nature whether political, religious or others, it is observed that trader’s shops are vandalised. Protestors take out their anguish on establishments of our members and law enforcing agencies remain mute spectators.
Agrawal further said that in the recent protest and counter protest organised at Amravati, Nanded & Malegaon protestors enroute to their protest marchhave manhandled the duty staff and damaged the establishments including goods stored in shops. On behalf of the trading community of the state CAMITin its representation sent to Uddhav Thackeray, Chief Minister, DilipWalse-Patil, Home Minister and Devendra Fadnavis, LOP, strongly protestedthe lack-lustre attitude of law enforcing agencies and their failure to protect the property of their bread giver. He asked the administration to sensitize law enforcing agencies to act though against the culprits.
Dipen Agrawal highlighting the plight of traders said that they are already facing the pinch of demonetisation, haphazard implementation of GST and are trying to overcome the shocks of frequent lock-downs due to covid pandemic. The present loss, for no fault on their part, is like nailing their coffin.
CAMIT strongly appeals to the State Governmentto intervene in the matter and direct the concerned authorities to ensure proper safety and security of traders and also to frame a policy for monetary compensation for the shops and establishments damaged by miscreants during any political, religious or other protest.