Sunil Kedar’s petition has been dismissed

Neither suspension of punishment, nor restoration of MLA,

Nagpur – The Nagpur Bench of the Bombay High Court has not granted any relief to Sunil Kedar’s demand for stay of sentence. The High Court has slapped Sunil Kedar in the District Central Cooperative Bank scam case of Nagpur. The Nagpur Bench has dismissed Sunil Kedar’s petition. So Sunil Kedar will remain ineligible. Now Sunil Kedar will have to knock on the door of the Supreme Court to get the sentence suspended and get his MLA reinstated based on that.

Kedar was convicted by a magisterial court on December 22, 2023, for misappropriating bank funds by purchasing govt securities using illegal resolutions and forged documents. This led to his disqualification as MLA in January. These offences, committed in 2000 and 2001, resulted in a five-year rigorous imprisonment sentence and a fine of ₹12.5 lakh for Kedar and his four accomplices. The sessions court upheld this sentence on December 30 last year.

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उत्पादक,साठेदार,पुरवठादार,विक्रेत्यांवर होणार कारवाई

Thu Jul 4 , 2024
– प्लास्टीक बंदी सक्तीने अमलांत आणण्याचे उपायुक्तांचे निर्देश चंद्रपूर :- चंद्रपूर महानगरपालिका हद्दीत प्लास्टीक पिशव्यांच्या वापरावर प्रतिबंध घालण्यास दंडात्मक कारवाई करण्याचे निर्देश उपायुक्त मंगेश खवले यांनी २ जुलै रोजी झालेल्या बैठकीत दिले असुन प्लास्टीक पिशव्यांच्या साठयाबाबत गुप्त माहीती देणाऱ्यास ५ हजारांचे बक्षिस दिले जाणार आहे. प्लास्टीक बंदीसाठी मनपा मार्फत ” उपद्रव शोध पथक ” ( NDS ) तयार करण्यात आले […]

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