Prototype of Neonatal Ventilatory Devices Made in Nagpur to Combat Neonatal Mortality

Nagpur :-Nelson Hospital a 100 bedded Multispecialty Hospital, is creating milestones in the Health caresector with its high end medical services. Nelson Hospital is situated in the heart of the city,equipped with the state-of-the-art facilities, with an advanced Paediatric super specialitydepartment, serving all section of patients with complex health issues in Central India division.On the occasion of Mother’s day, Nelson hospital and its team in association with Acpfemy ofPediatrics Nagpur and Neonatal Forum of Nagpur Chapter and in collaboration with RD GardiMedical College Ujjainwill be launcher 2 prototype of devices Made3 devies-In-Nagpur which arelikely to revolutionize the way neonatal resuscitation is carried out in India and around the world.Around 5 to 6 percent babies require some form of assistance as soon as they are born specially tosupport their First breath.

The devices namely – In-Life and NeoPap (prototype) – that will belaunched are in line with this. In-Life (prototype) aims to be the safest, pressure-controlled (usinga water manometer), and smallest device for neonatal resuscitation at an unbelievably low cost.NeoPap (Prototype) on the other hand is likely to serve as a comprehensive solution for therespiratory needs of a newborn from the labour room to the NICU. These devices have beendesigned in line with the motto that technology should be transparent so that it can be used foreducational & effective pt. care. The highlight is that every component of these devices fromconception to realization, has been meticulously engineered right here in Nagpur, reflecting thededication of local talent and expertise. Dr Satish Deopujari says “It is important to understandthat most of the babies only need air to support their first breath. And 100 percent oxygen canhave long lasting detrimental effect on newborns. India as a country is still struggling withavailability compressed air and blended gases at most of these centres. These devices are anattempt to combat these challenges and to make neonatal resuscitation a safe and affordable. Headds that success of this endeavour would not have been possible without the unwaveringsupport of key stakeholders’.

He extends his heartfelt gratitude to the Nelson Team comprising ofDr. Suchita Khadse, Dr. Nilesh Darvhekar, Dr. Yash Banaits, Dr. Rashi Gupta with a strong supportfrom the management by Radha Sahu and Dr. Sonalkumar Bhagat, technical supportprovided by Indivital Devices comprising of Deshmukh,  Chaudhary and Agrawal andinvaluable inputs from Prof. Ramesh Singh, Vice Dean, IIT Bombay. He also wholeheartedlythanked his dear friends Dr Edwards and Dr Rogers who are stalwart in the field of paediatricintensive care and a band of cherished friends who have steadfastly supported him along theyears”. This has been possible by the collaborative effort of Academy of Pediatric Nagpur underthePresidency of Dr. Kush Jhunjhunwala and Dr. Yash Banait as secretary and NFN, Nagpur withDr. Millind Mandlik as the chairperson and Dr. Rajkumar Kiratkar as secretary. Dr. Satish Deopujareand his team are also openly inviting any suggestions, feedback and contributions to further refinethese devices or any collaboration to take this project forward with no commercial interest so thatevery neonate in the country can get the right start with the right support to their FIRST BREATH.On this occasion Nelson Hospital is arranging a conference on FIRST BREATH, Conceptualised byDr. Satish Deopujari sir on 12 May at Hotel Centre Point. Paediatricians & Obstetricians fromNational level are participating as speakers in this conference to enlighten on latest developmentin Neonatology.

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Sun May 12 , 2024
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