New Delhi :-National Coastal Mission Scheme (NCM) under the National Coastal Management Program is implemented with the following components:
Management Action Plan on Conservation of Mangroves and Coral Reefs
Research & Development in Marine and Coastal ecosystem
Sustainable Development of Beaches under Beach Environment & Aesthetic Management Service
Capacity Building / Outreach Programme of Coastal States/UTs on conservation of marine and coastal ecosystem including beach cleaning drive.
The implementing agencies of NCM are the State Governments of Coastal States and Union Territory (UT) Administrations. The funds are released to the coastal States/Union Territories based on the review of the proposals received from the States/UTs in the Ministry.
A sum of ₹7.94 crore has been released from 2018-19 till 2023-24 under the EAP (Externally Aided Programme) and non-EAP component for the development of infrastructure facilities, pollution abatement, safety surveillance and beach cleaning in Andhra Pradesh.
Further, Government of India through MoEFCC has implemented Integrated Coastal Zone Management project (ICZMP) that has contributed to, inter-alia, mapping of hazard line, eco-sensitive Area, sediment cell for the entire coastline of India including coastline of Andhra Pradesh.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Shri Kirti Vardhan Singh in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.