Nagpur :- The Nagpur Division of Central Railway organized a comprehensive Annual Wellness Health Check-Up Camp at the Ballarshah Health Unit on December 18, 2024, providing essential healthcare services to nearly 200 beneficiaries, including railway employees, retirees, and their family members.

Under the leadership of Divisional Railway Manager Manish Agrawal and Chief Medical Superintendent Dr. G. S. Manjunath, the camp delivered an extensive array of diagnostic services. Participants received comprehensive health screenings including Body Mass Index assessments, vision testing, blood sugar monitoring, blood pressure checks, routine blood investigations, and Bone Mineral Density screening for osteoporosis detection.

The camp was conducted by an experienced medical team of specialists from Nagpur and Ballarshah. The team consisted of Dr. Dipashri Jadhav serving as Pathologist and DMO, Dr. Shravan as Physician and DMO, Dr. Ravi Chandra as Orthopaedician and DMO, and Dr. Dhanraj as DMO from Ballarshah. Additional expertise was provided by Smt. Veera Nagarkar, Physiotherapist and ADPHO, and Manjusha Ramteke, Dietician.

The initiative proved highly successful, serving 197 beneficiaries in total, with 72 employees and 125 family members receiving care. During the screenings, medical professionals identified and addressed various health conditions including diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease, osteoporosis, hypertension, thyroid disorders, obesity, and spondylitis. Participants requiring specialized care were referred to the Divisional Railway Hospital in Nagpur for comprehensive treatment.

The success of this camp reinforces Central Railway’s dedication to maintaining a healthy workforce and supporting the medical needs of its extended railway community. The organization remains committed to conducting regular wellness camps as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of life for its employees, retirees, and their families.

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