Armed Forces Flag was pinned to Air Mshl Vibhas Pande

Nagpur :-Armed Forces Flag was pinned to Air Mshl Vibhas Pande, AOC-in-C and Senior Officers of HQ Maintenance Command, by officials of Zila Sainik Board, Nagpur, ahead of Armed Forces Flag Day on 07 Dec.

AOC-in-C contributed to Armed Force Flag Day Fund and urged everyone to contribute to the Fund generously.

Since 1949, 7th December is observed as the Armed Forces Flag Day throughout the country to honor the martyrs and the men in uniform who valiantly fought on our borders to safeguard the country’s honor.

The funds collected are utilised centrally through Kendriya Sainik Board for providing financial assistance to needy Ex-Servicemen, War widows and their Dependents; and the Institutions involved in rehabilitation of the Ex-Servicemen, War widows and their Dependents.

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दोन स्थानकादरम्यान आता धावणार अनेक रेल्वे गाड्या

Tue Dec 6 , 2022
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